Friday, April 22, 2016

Archaeologists find cemetery pre - Inca in district of Huanchaco

The remains were found on April 18, though excavations began on 11th September in the district of Huanchaco, Trujillo province in La Libertad. The works are part of Huanchaco Archaeological Program, which is sponsored by Peru Innovate Program, the Ministry of Production and the Research of the National University of Trujillo (UNT).

The human remains belonging to the Inca and Chimu cultures, between 500 and 1000 years old, were found in what would be a pre Inca cemetery, in an area of 40 square meters, a few meters from the side of the Virgin church Candelaria del Socorro, a tourist area of the traditional spa. Each found tomb consists of bones, pottery, necklaces and dunks.

Archaeologist Carlos Osores Mendives said eight complete individuals and other loose debris individuals were found. "In total we could it speak eight intact tombs and loose bones of more than a dozen people possibly" he said.

After the discovery of the pieces, these will move into UNT lab for analysis and determine their cultural affiliation and identification of individuals. Still they work in the area archaeologists digging and it is possible find more graves and individuals.

Source: Portal de Turismo. 

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